
wēn yù

意思解释:( Kui comfort)絪缊悦豫。谓天地间阴阳二气交融而和悦。




(1) random hemp, old silk garrulous. · of the analects of confucius child rarely : of Can of tip of Xu of  of Lu of Huai Gan of  of ⒍ of colour Bi of  of Lu of guanidine of  of Jia of  of the frame that make bittern smooth with a rake (: of garment Y ì Zhong You of  S , the student of Confucius. ) Song Lian send Dong Yang Ma Sheng order : Suan of Tuan of cellar of dizzy play chess of  of clear of Mei of ζ of faithful the foot of mountain of Yan of  of dam Beng Jie! 2) chaos. does filial piety of law character · come : Thin  of  of eight windowing steel! Thin

