zhōng dào
意思解释:(In)半路;中途。 中庸之道。 佛教:指一种特定的德操和哲理,据认为,人持有它就可以不至于趋向自满和自苦的两个极端而从速彻悟。
(1) midway, halfway. Zhu Geliang give a person of exemplary virtue : Hedge of of of of octogenarian of window of drop of hurry of postscript magpie Yin scrupulously and respectfully! Thin calf at present pays play umbrella husband of thing thanking the home, ~ returns elder brother door. (the path in the middle of 2) . below Mencius · with one one's heart :
中组词、道组词、 瘦愞、双玉、重罪、月坛、遗荡、踏浪、碎女、迾置、仗剑、溘逝、认真、色气、记月、嘿然、平身、长艾、灵武、米汁、中道、施然、