
zhuān kǔn

意思解释:(Only Kun)专主京城以外的权事。语本《史记·张释之冯唐列传》:“臣闻上古王者之遣将也,跪而推毂曰:'阃以内者,寡人制之;阃以外者,将军制之。'”裴骃集解引韦昭曰:“此郭门之阃也。门中橛曰阃。”后称将帅在外统军为“专阃”。




history is the Feng Tang Lie of the Zhang Shi that write down · passed : Ostrich reads Su Lu  to be surprise like beyond Kun of crisp riverside person, the general makes. Kun, doorsill, here points to the door of the capital. Call it is beyond the capital only advocate military affairs. It is because of saying all arms is outer after only Kun . Wu Wei course of study give Feng Ziyuan total army poetic: Be proud sow with a drill of Dian Gongfu  of Tuo of Gu  ㄣ is to carve mansion of Zhi of apprentice of stitch the sole to the upper! Does generation low like  of short for Weihe River

