
mìng xìng

意思解释:(Life surname)赐姓氏;建立姓氏。谓赐姓以示褒崇。




: of 3 big last names Common saying of of buy of  of pigheaded H of ⒄ of vinegar of ⑼ of Sui of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of account of triangular bream of graceful  of Shan of the She nationality of steel discharge  says horse race sail a boat 3 minutes of lives . Namely if a person has very life, once join procession of sail a boat, remnant 3 minutes. Point to plum, much influence of person of big last name of king, Zhang San is numerous, cannot displease. 〔 exemple 〕 boy, after all I mix a few years more than you. old spy is cold...

