bēn bā
意思解释:(Run quickly cling to)藏语。也写作“本巴”。意为“瓶”。或称“金奔巴”,即“金瓶掣签”的金瓶。清乾隆五十七年(公元1792年)清廷为防止蒙藏贵族操纵大活佛传世,特颁发两金瓶,一贮北京雍和宫,一贮拉萨大昭寺。凡蒙藏大活佛如章嘉、哲布尊丹巴、达赖、班禅等传世时,均须将所觅若干“灵童”名字署于象牙签上,置签瓶中,分别在雍和宫、大昭寺,由理藩院尚书或驻藏大臣监督掣定,此后遂成定制。见《清会典·理藩院》。
Tibetan language. Also compose this cling to . Meaning for bottle . Namely golden bottle pull is signed golden bottle. When Qing Qianlong, qingting operates to prevent the noble that cheat Tibet be handed down from ancient times of big Living Buddha, issue two gold bottle especially, yong He palace of Beijing of one lay aside, temple of big clear of Lhasa of one lay aside. If big Living Buddha of every unconscious Tibet is amounted to go back on one's word, when the be handed down from ancient times such as the Panchen, all must look for place a certain number of spirit child name arrange at...
奔组词、巴组词、 钿鸟、疏亲、浓翠、大块、平楚、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器