chuī wàn
意思解释:(Blow 10 thousand)《庄子·齐物论》:“夫吹万不同,而使其自己也。”成玄英疏:“风唯一体,窍则万殊。”吹,指风而言;万,万窍。谓风吹万窍,发出各种音响。 比喻恩泽广被天下。
Call to grow naturally the everythings on earth that aid Yo. is village · neat thing talked : A legendary venomous insect of of of of brilliant of amine Ge low ancient name for a kind of scorpion wets disease breaking cliff! Difficult ば of light filling bar melt Pai of honest of firewood excuse me touchs of of stool of Sui of Tu Zhuo of of of Xia of the uranous copy that feed manage in excusing the world, blow 10 thousand groups of Fang Yue. Li Shan is noted bring village this language, bring minister young tiger say:
吹组词、万组词、 婉约、裂眦、寸札、稚孺、捆翻、奇迹、坑探、寸衷、龙茶、定员、大吏、使嗾、荣祚、劝慕、撒痴、当使、降授、隐逃、吹万、睿姿、