luò xiù
意思解释:(Show of subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy)晋周顗母李氏,名络秀,汝南人。顗父周浚为安东将军,出猎遇雨,止络秀家。浚见而求为妾。父兄不许。络秀曰:“门户殄瘁,何惜一女?若连婣贵族,将来或大益。”父兄从之。后生顗及嵩谟,并列显位。李氏家族亦得正当礼遇。见南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·贤媛》。后因以指有才识之女子。
Liu Yiqing of the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties does the life say neologism · virtuous Yuan carry: Yun N catchs Lei of of of Xia Yao of thorium of appraise of of Cou of miscellaneous catfish of Juan of of to be stupefied 8 feeling of of Da of Lei of Zhi Huang rancorring B tending or guard a gate portal extirpate tired, he Xiyi female, if connect marriage noble, will come or big increase. father and elder brothers from. Zuo of have a youthful look and fleabane, plan, paratactic show. Plum clannish also get courteous reception.
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