
shī jiāo

意思解释:(Break hand in)交友不当。


鸳鸯(yuānyānɡ): 我国著名特产珍禽之一,雌雄常成对活动,已列为国家二级保护动物。失偶: 死了配偶。重(chónɡ): 重新。比喻夫妻有一方去世后,另一方再不婚配。〔例〕盍不观诸谚云:“~”,抑且夫死骸骨未冷,服又未除,守制终身…


An affectionate couple (ɡ of N of ā of Yu ā Ny) : 3 what of Yan of Pu of  of bluff of  of Qia of the name of a river in Anhui Province of  of die young of  of  of ∥ night  says Dong of  of leaf of  of  of form of aphid of Tuan   ; of  of J of ざ  Sha died spouse. Heavy (ɡ of Ch ó N) : 1 of ≈ box grand throws annulus of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of  of Xi of basket of ナ of dumpling of annulus of favour of tan Zha pull out to all majestic the Huan that change banyan! Collect of fear  anxious returns of Xia of big pool titanium ~ , take did not divide again,

