shén fù
意思解释:(Abba)神甫。 尊称贤明的地方官吏。如东汉汝阳太守鲍德,南阳太守宋登,《后汉书》本传中皆有神父之称。
Catholic father. 1623 Ai Ru slightly duty square outside discipline the: that coil Dam surname makes the same score contented well ㄖ Gu drips of Hui of of counterfeit of Kang of of blessing of Zhun of of simian Pu of approach illicit carry to cough oneself excuse me of corridor of account of of of sole of green saute of word of of suddenly model! 857 Nian Weilie inferior is force made up 6 add up to Cong Tan 4:
神组词、父组词、 按扣、扣眼、宝光、倍赏、司帐、竹篾、包伙、艺龄、困阻、排骨、宫棹、贫弱、具剑、鹤颈、变狱、醉乡、精纯、护种、神父、宝圭、