fú bào
意思解释:(Help up hold in the arms)双手扶持或抱着。
Supporting with the hand, make person, thing does not fall: His skill ~ plows Xian Songxi Dai , drive a cattle single-handed | You a ~ of bicycle ~ ~ , lest falls on the ground. Is ② lying with hand help or flat person sits or stand up the thing upend: that; uses hand throw down Channel of of Lu male you are fast rise patient ~ feed medicine | Oily bottle poured you how not one ~ of ~ ...
扶组词、抱组词、 窃密、哭泣、离端、郁酿、证言、大北、不目、房劳、团圞、专己、水室、革军、吹蛊、菀勃、机柄、人参、质状、流槎、扶抱、文士、