
jié bā

意思解释:(Section scar)某些植物(竹、苇等)茎杆节上的突起部分;树干上枝杈去掉后长成的疤瘤。 喻指事情遇到阻难。




Bamboo, arboreous the main force that wait grows to Qi Zhi is in or be chopped go residue hind the scar that leave. Bright Cheng Zong You does spear law choose · spear type to say : Unplug Lu of bank of ┤ 〖 Yao is my of Zheng of trade of  of bewildered of  of  of Fang Sao of  of rare  of  of Nao of contented of Qu of  of of Zuo aing shallow lake overgrown with wild plants sincering feeling! Nose fleeing  asks   cease to  of funny  Guan uses up team of  of  of fat the sliding weight of a steelyard to knock at I of celestial being of Mi bath げ rare thick curium, detailed rules...

