
qù tī

意思解释:(Go ladder)后汉刘表之子刘琦,因后母不容,问计于诸葛亮,亮不言。后琦请亮登楼,去梯,说:“今日上不至天,下不至地,言出子口而入吾耳,可以言未?”亮乃劝其效重耳居外。见《后汉书·刘表传》。后以“去梯”为说机密话的典实。




Liu Biaochuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty carry: Ancient name for a kind of scorpion of  of  of Pan of Yong of carbohydrate anchor  suffers from  of blessing of an ancient wind instrument of  encompass admonish only then bath of lie of collect of  of bead of Yu of plain Shi Gang: Yu of Gang of leg of cracking Pan  loves of  of Jin of rinse of テ of shovel ィ  the day does not reach on now, fall not to reach the ground, character goes out child mouth and into my ear, can character not then Zhu Geliang persuades childe of advance of its follow the lead of to weigh the development outside ear house.

