hé zòng
意思解释:(Close from)亦作“合纵”。 谓连接直行。 指战国时,苏秦游说六国诸侯联合拒秦。秦在西方,六国地处南北,故称合从。
(- 6 countries fight the east when the Warring States of Z ò Ng) jointly the strategy of the Qin Dynasty. Gu Yi cross Qin Lun : Ah arc of of chirp Jia of of bluff leavessing of pulse plants! A huge legendary turtle of money dark blue is held high display Qian thin! Be jealous of barks of ā ぱ miscellaneous Sha if history write down Zai Suqin ~ , zhang Yi Lian Heng. ...
合组词、从组词、 书种、潺颜、曾逝、摇曳、文华、玄区、挜贾、眺听、霈恩、贬晦、排訾、批命、民乐、吉皇、革改、蚌帆、彩局、珍异、合从、丰沛、