sòng zhǒu
意思解释:(Song broom)《分别功德论》卷五:“此比丘精神疏钝,佛教使诵扫帚。得帚忘扫,得扫忘帚。六年之中专心诵此,意遂解悟,而自惟曰:帚者篲,扫者除;篲者即喻八正道,粪者三毒垢也,以八正篲扫三毒垢,所谓扫帚义,正谓此耶?深思此理,心即开解,得阿罗汉道。”后因以“诵帚”比喻反复诵习,一朝警悟。
respectively is merits and virtues talked roll 5: By suck a mythical bird like the phoenix of of Jia of Zan of Qia of the that offend Bo drips Gu Xing ㄖ scrupulously and respectfully of unconscious ㄍ of of ǎ of of 5 cover Kun scrupulously and respectfully ㄐ of of school of of A dim glow of the setting sun writes Jie of crusty pancake of Yi of Jin making fun of therefore! song broom blunt root. ...
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