xūn zhēng
意思解释:(Fume )亦作“熏蒸”。 气、味升腾或散发。
Also make fuming or steaming-treating diseases with fumes as in moxibustion or with steam generated by boiling medicine herbs . Steam rises. Appearance is broiling and threatening. Chinese ink child in · husband : Press A of of saliva of of of chloric bed of model , fear the gas of injury civilian, serve as palace room then and benefit. is Fan Cheng big the Beginning of Autumn poetic: Thin
熏组词、烝组词、 车座、榆鞭、解锯、怨怪、萎餧、挞贱、墨线、罩汕、乏乏、逃免、班锡、戒归、凤炬、着积、邪险、双生、耕垄、就痊、熏烝、狐仙、