
yīn xùn

意思解释:(Phonic example)对古籍中的字词注音释义。 训诂学术语。与“形训”相对,取声音相同或相近的字来解释字义。又称“声训”。有音同的,如《释名·释衣服》:“衣,依也。”有双声的,如《说文·岂部》:“恺,康也。”有叠韵的,如《说文·人部》:“侨,高也。”汉刘熙《释名》是音训专着。




< move > say again acoustical example . One of methods of explanations of words in ancient books. Point to use pronunciation identical or the word of close will explain acceptation. Some is unisonant for example, be like commentate renown : Cheese of the  that make approach smooth with a rake is ill! Shelter instrument is    to carry  Yun to shake  to twist な to take off bath bump, very also. some two or more characters with the same vowel formation are example, be like say department of article · person : Gather up caries  Ji is ill! Thin

