bù nǎi
意思解释:(Do not be)无乃,岂不。
Conjunction. Turn conjunction, the one clause after be being used at turn a sentence of two or more clauses sentence head, represent a turn, but interpret otherwise otherwise . Antediluvian year old fill one constellation, its place Ju Guoji. Should be not resided and reside, if already went and answer still, still reside, its country gets ground, do not be femaly. (history the Tian Guanshu that write down · ) ...
不组词、乃组词、 冲想、发微、三奇、雷椎、英爽、持算、孤臣、应当、锢蔽、心律、麦米、议程、唤取、邸舍、感概、红教、疾声、快语、不乃、官帅、