xuān sū
意思解释:(Xuan revive)《初学记》卷二七引三国魏王朗《与魏太子书》:“不遗惠书,所以慰沃,奉读欢笑,以藉饥渴,虽复萱草忘忧,皋苏释劳,无以加也。”后因以“萱苏”为忘忧释劳之典。萱,指萱草;苏,指皋苏。
The source sees tawny day-lily forgets worry . Express to forget worry commentate fatigue. Does the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties thank effective use county east Shan Wangming sea poetic: of fine Ga dredge takes the credit that do obeisance to Li toad of Shan of crystal clear! disease of small Juan anxious. ...
萱组词、苏组词、 高啸、功伐、积篇、渊诣、出将、团总、蒲杨、褥套、夭红、胧胧、隐戏、血吻、批照、晋阶、浇诡、钩罣、专人、解謿、萱苏、龙榜、