
guì dà

意思解释:(Expensive big)位尊势大。 以为尊大。


杀: 诛杀,泛指惩罚。指惩罚贵在从大人物头上开刀,奖赏贵在从小人物身上落实。语出《六韬·将威》:“杀一人而三军震者,杀之;赏一人而万民悦者,赏之。杀贵大,赏贵小。”[例] “杀贵大”能做到杀一而儆百;“赏贵小”,则会恩及…


Kill: ≈ the blade of a sword protects  brown to endow with a head! V endows with a 9 Tiao Gua oh  of flying gorge of einsteinium of Jian the Song Dynasty bites Gua of Tiao of  low protruding has an ancient wine vessel made of horn of milometer of S of idle of the Guan below Fu of ∪ Song E to read of  of  of  body そ kill one person and army shake person, killed; admires one person and 10 thousand civilian Yue person, admire. Kill expensive big, admire expensive small. [exemple]   kill expensive big can accomplish kill one and admonish 100; admire expensive small , meet favour and...

