
yáo hùn

意思解释:( is mixed)混淆。




(1) is mixed and disorderly, jumbly. below mandarin · Zhou Yu : Li pulls   Mo of a drum used in the army in ancient China of  of  of circular arc of  of Piao of  of sword of  dizzy Pao is hanged imprint! 2) is connected Xiao . Hill name. is the left Xi that pass · fair 32 years : Ρ of  of Ao  Sou subtles Song  ! 3) is connected O of á of Y of meat and fish dishes . Do ripe cruelly oppress to wait. is · of The Book of Songs small elegant · the first month of the lunar year :  of lofty of bits of bell of exhausted  of season of ammoniac Sou elder brother! Stretch tight rancor

