yǒng tǎ
意思解释:(Leap up tower)亦作“踊塔”。 佛教语。指多宝塔的涌现。据说古代东方宝净国有佛曰多宝如来,曾作大誓愿云,灭度之后,十方国有说《法华经》处,彼之塔庙必涌现其前,以为证明。见《法华经·见宝塔品》。
Ng of ǒ of leap up Y is used at eagerly vacate leap up etc. Zuo leap up a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] leap up it is echoism word, form accord with is sufficient, acoustical accord with is another name for Ningbo, original meaning is leap. say article · sufficient department : of dam bluff is ill! Thin hundred X it is word of echoism of of people of talent, form accord with is sufficient, acoustical accord with is brave, with leap up synonymous. Hui Lin all classics sound justice roll 2...
踊组词、塔组词、 内韄、暗记、貂袍、云翘、苍华、伪端、职务、补弊、清浄、石漠、鸡公、平缓、鲁卫、左省、焮肿、言重、子姜、拟水、踊塔、悬进、