
pō wǒ

意思解释:(Quite I)犹彼我。谓我是彼非。颇,通“彼”。




(1) slants, frame-up. does Hunan demit · leave coquettish : Boil Bin to cast  of arc of  of  of  of  of  of Guo of  flatter Mu! 2) adverb. (1) is complete, . history book of the rivers and canals that write down · :  of  of  of far Bo of ruthenium of eight creek Qing annulus blown away by wind of  Chi  wishs to bear Mo to imprint! Shelter frame spends Piao to come the that write  from this later, lu Zhou bully, aperture brings a country, luoyang Gu Jia, ~ can character a high official in ancient China thing. (2) appreciably...

