yuán dǐng
意思解释:(Soft-shelled turtle vessel)春秋楚人献鼋于郑灵公,公以享诸大夫。子公(公子宋)入,先动食指,公闻而弗与。子公怒,染指于鼎,尝之而出。事见《左传·宣公四年》、《史记·郑世家》。后用以为典。
The vessel of boil soft-shelled turtle. When age, zheng Guozi fair encroach on at soft-shelled turtle vessel. See the left announce that pass · is fair 4 years . Liu You the fruit in the miscellaneous garden that chant 4 : Border of of cake of θ of mussel broadleaf plant holds Zuo of blessing ) the car did not use fall greedy saliva. refer to encroach on . ...
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