
qì cháng

意思解释:(Abandon constant)失常;丢弃常道。


弃常: 失常,失去常态。人要是失去常态,就会导致妖异灾祸的发生。语出《左传·庄公十四年》:“人之所忌,其气焰以取之,妖由人兴也。人无衅焉,妖不自作。人弃常,则妖兴,故有妖。”[例] 若谓《阴骘文》“善恶报应”是迂腐之论…


Abandon constant: H of  of L of コ of  of  of ∈ С #  of  of L of コ of  scabbard  dash forward stir-fry before stewing of  of cape merchant egg an ancient wine vessel made of horn of milometer of S of  of Bao Mu ⑸ crouchs of which cease of  of  of  of coil  ぷ place avoid of the person, its arrogance with taking, bewitching is promoted by the person also. The person does not have dispute Yan, bewitching is not made oneself. The person is abandoned constant, criterion bewitching is promoted, reason has evil spirit.

