mín jiǎ
意思解释:(Civilian armour)指住民户籍。甲,旧时地方最基层的行政单位。
The unit of area of Taiwan computation land. One armour adds up to 2934 level ground, for 0.97 hectare or 14.55 mus of: Heart knows well Qi Shu of of mother of of arc of quarrel of Hui of coerce of Man annulus brandish!
民组词、甲组词、 炸雷、乌师、逸游、钧声、心开、挡护、中际、语源、纡徊、穷急、主馈、石驼、竹光、宿怒、扳缠、红盘、五将、几宜、福命、民甲、