
bǐng zhú

意思解释:(Bright candle)点燃蜡烛。《说苑·建本》载:师旷劝晋平公学习,并说:“老而好学,如炳烛之明;炳烛之明,孰与昧行乎?”后以“炳烛”比喻好学不倦。 后因以“炳烛”比喻老而好学。




Bright: 1 of Jie of  of 5 Hong hold a memorial ceremony for throws Hong flesh Tao is hanged make an appointment with if to blink a huge legendary turtle of  of Mou of  of ammonia of a huge legendary turtle of dark blue of R of Ge of tan1huan4 of  aether Р thin 4 breathe out spade to protect   anxious  high mountain game of qualitative κ  I 70 years old, want to learn again, be afraid too late does Shi Kuang say: of clear Qia of Yang of  of hold a memorial ceremony for of bad Hong of bay choke end smooth fair think Shi Kuang makes fun of him, show malcontent expression, Unplug shake

