dá fù
意思解释:(Answer ode)谓以诗赋相酬答。
White bird of all corners of the country is passed since ancient times, yi Ru of hibernate hibernate Sun Ning is made. Get together clear sky of Lei Qijie abundant, fine of root of intermediary evil ear is sufferred from oneself. Savage sleeps the United States does not hear a bell, wood benzene honour Sen Pan bosom. Sha skin attacks rostellum to overflow do not save, jump jump be fond of An Zuxiong oneself.
答组词、赋组词、 蛇脂、冷遇、赤芾、投行、薄晓、隐榆、谐穆、慢药、焮疼、无道、尺晷、穴道、土业、变颜、往至、同蒿、槐庭、灶词、答赋、灵树、