
xiān shēng

意思解释:(Gentleman)一般在一个男子姓氏后所用的一个习惯性的表示礼貌的称呼。 称别人的丈夫或对人称自己的丈夫。 旧时称管帐的人。




(1) points to father and elder brothers. · of the analects of confucius is politics : Dam core analyse constant   lows! 2) is right the person's address sb respectfully. the Tang Dynasty Ju not disgrace mission : Gather up of  of extensive of  of Fu of す of  of cherry of counterfeit Tuo  ' ~ sits! He Zhi hereat! ' (3) points to a teacher. Yuan Mei article of younger sister of hold a memorial ceremony for : Dam Lu shape imprints  of  imperial mandate! 4) points to old learned person. Zong Chen sign up for book of Liu Yi a unit of length : Ge of scar saute 

