yún jǔ
意思解释:(The cloud is lifted)高飞;高耸。
Do not eat til meal, celestial being of the contented in the cup. The action that lie between a room is hospitable, but room send fragrant banquet. Beautiful Yun is sweet wine with dregs tender, stylish different fruit is fresh. Late at night only Wei dawn, sit not to think of Mian firmly. The chess stops disrelish inapproachable, the poem becomes ashamed advanced. Ming Dynasty inscribes a wall to go up,
云组词、举组词、 孟郊、朹实、厨下、染房、小时、青琱、算馆、参配、练色、乐师、炎月、朝散、刻石、槐安、空衔、乡任、挥麈、褊短、别婚、云举、