xīn léi
意思解释:(Xin Lei)最初的春雷。
Zhang Weibing is demiurgic and reticent have feeling however, every Yu Han all becomes aware spring unripe. 1000 Gong Mozi arrangement are written, wait for new thunder high and level tone only. Zhang Weibing is the patriotic poet with well-known period of the Opium War, 3 yuan in , 3 generals song wait for work, poured out patriotic enthusiasm of the poet. Zhang Weibing is a sensitive poet, he is right natural everythings on earth, express deep...
新组词、雷组词、 闲染、前膝、蚤衰、枉误、购诱、百户、油坊、遒上、竹雨、步负、斗水、逸韵、抅拦、瞋沮、靠色、马蟥、面盘、山皋、新雷、营卒、