mài shēn
意思解释:(Sell oneself or a member of one's family)把自己或妻子儿女卖给别人。 卖淫。 指女子出卖肉体。
因生活所迫把自己或妻子儿女等卖给别人:~契。 指出卖人格:~投靠。 指妇女出卖肉体:~生涯卖艺不~。…
Because of life place approach oneself or wife children sell others: vinegar! ≈ endows with go and seek refuge with sb of ~ of of Ju carboxyl bright. Show the woman betrays carnal: of Zhan Hu of solemn Zi!
卖组词、身组词、 武夫、柘蚕、非怨、转衔、商谈、深溪、火兵、重版、渴闷、九位、凿然、单位、缝织、创刃、尝酎、前辈、斲窗、吾党、寒机、卖身、