
chèn zì

意思解释:(Word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony)歌词中为韵律优美或歌唱需要而增加的没有实义的字(如“风吹那个雪花满天飘”里的“那个”就是衬字)




Compose of compose a poem to a given tune of ci must press fixed format, but to make word meaning fluent, some words and expressions can be made a bit increase damage. Outside stipulating word of words and expressions is counted, the word that adds additionally cries word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony . The word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony in boreal music is more, there also is word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony in Song Ci, like Zhao Fuyuan does · of Chinese francolin day give a song prostitute :

