yān jīn
意思解释:(Pharynx ferry)咽口水。形容思食之切。
人当朝朝服食玉泉,琢齿,使人丁壮,有颜色,去三虫而坚齿。——孙思邈人体健康在于四根,脚是根中之根。——佚 名大雪中跣足不可使以热汤洗或饮热酒。——《三元参赞延寿书》今人漱齿,每以早晨,是倒置也。凡一日饮食…
The person feeds Yu Quan when Chao Chaofu, carve tine, make population strong, colored, go 3 bug and firm tine. -- health of Sun Saimiao human body depends on 4, the foot is a medium root. -- barefooted in anon. heavy snow sufficient cannot make heat up wine in order to heat up Shang Xi or drink. -- Yan Shoushu of 3 yuan of counsellor today person gargle tine, every with the morning, it is convert also. Altogether one day food...
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