
huá fú

意思解释:(Hua Fu)华美的系印丝绳。 指佩“华绂”的达官贵人。 华美的蔽膝。绂,通“芾”。




(1) my genu, monarch, vassal reach dear the dress of doctor formal attire. Also point to formal attire. is Zhouyi · stranded :  of constant  shank chews analyse of coat в imperial mandate plinth! Is  M of thin blain Ci Xianyin true : Amine barium wall touchs  of  of a screen-like mountain peak of  of lofty of  scar  ! What2) department official imprints is lacy. Acting also show the official imprints. Chinese book · yuan hind pass :  of Dian of chopsticks of  of serve of amine ruthenium small box! The Suan that shut lotus root paragraph two of Di └ field

