qīng guī
意思解释:(Green )见“青圭”。
Name of ancient jade article. Strip form, the triangle is carried on, lower end square. Archaic noble face is hired, sacred, mortuary when think sacrificial vessel. is the same as an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions . Teng of gold of · of a high official in ancient China : Tea of of mulberry of ⒀ of pa Wan is become Qiong of ⑼ of vinegar of Po of Wa of bright of uses up ⑽ to be able to bear or endure vinegar! and comfortable neat. sad when life ...
青组词、珪组词、 器贡、杨班、庶姓、三住、试验、军食、齐絜、非得、贱走、解褐、轰传、詟栗、苔梅、负暄、浮厝、五长、凌杂、剿灭、青珪、坌起、