zhòng fēng
意思解释:(Apoplectic)中医病症名。多由脑血管栓塞或发生血栓、脑溢血等引起。初起时突然头痛、眩晕。短时间内失去知觉。得病后身子偏瘫或截瘫,严重时即时死亡。 病名。指脑血管栓塞或脑内小血管破裂等病患。 病名。指外感风邪的病患。
Float of arteries and veins of very little mouth and close, it is closely cold, float is empty, wrestle of cold empty photograph, unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is in the skin. Float person deficiency of blood and pathological changes caused by it, collaterals which connect channels is empty, wicked evil not discharge, or left or right, evil influence opposes delay, out-of-the-way fails.
中组词、风组词、 宣肿、敦故、缆系、尔雅、嶷尔、谳驳、清集、禅宇、残腊、讦首、平满、衔箭、温汤、滋乳、西朝、并后、时病、直义、中风、丑异、