
shàn bīng

意思解释:(Arms of be apt to)善于用兵。


戈: 古时兵器的一种。善于用兵的,不发动战争;武字的含义,可解释为制止战争。指不用兵能达到目的,才是最高的战术。语出《资治通鉴·梁武帝太清三年》:“下诏曰: 善兵不战,止戈为武。可以景为大丞相,都督江西四州诸军事。”…


Dagger: the meaning of Wu Zi of of straw of  of ⒍ of annulus of  of model of  of cap of Piao Mo of I of frame of extensive of bursa of Jian of the  that climb north, can explain to check war. Point to not resort to arms can achieve a goal, just be highest tactics. Language piece endowment treat Di Taiqing of Liang Wu of the · that know object lesson 3 years : Arms of be apt to of of  of postscript black silk ribbon not battle, stop Ge Weiwu. Can scene for big prime minister, jiangxi of superintend and director thing of 4 cities Zhu Jun. ...

