zhì lín
意思解释:(To face)谓处于极好的地位以居高临下。《易·临》:“六四,至临,无咎。”王弼注:“处顺应阳,不忌刚长,而乃应之。履得其位,尽其至者也。”孔颖达疏:“履得其位,能尽其至极之善而为临,故云至临。以柔不失正,故无咎也。”一说,谓君主亲自临朝执政。见高亨《周易大传今注》卷二。
Turn to barren city hate deep, although meaning of several face deep sigh holds the post of. In former days army hero presses down the ground, today when Bai Cao alls over town south. Zuo cities wall poor alley does not have traces of human presence, cultivate Gu grave to have bird song alone. Encounter shedding moves outside a thousand li, who reads aloud anxiety a heart. ...
至组词、临组词、 山税、谬易、廛宅、栲折、手植、浇激、散馆、间接、溢沸、尔其、雌黄、白婆、度索、反叛、香笼、论人、逆斥、弟兄、至临、浚急、