máng cì
意思解释:(Awn thorn)草木茎叶、果壳上的小刺。 比喻隐患。 比喻言词尖刻。
The spinule on carapace of wood bine leaf, fruit. Is land chelonian unconscious rose poetic: Cling to Liao is crowded crowded attack low-lyingponding θ blinks ⒋ of of have diarrhoea to escape Si excuse me! North throws cereal of have a nightmare to think of feel uneasy of of H of vinegar of Mu Xin of refute of alkyne word.
芒组词、刺组词、 炫色、诽毁、增伤、飘翥、干陵、八儁、弭定、居曲、报废、白雀、关领、俞脉、灌佛、体育、讼府、官占、远族、车转、芒刺、查黎、