
bà fǔ

意思解释:(Bully government office)指晋、南北朝和五代时势力强大,终成王业的藩王或藩臣的府署。 借指藩王或藩臣。 指日本明治维新前实际掌握政权的藩臣。




Say when the Northern and Southern Dynasties only the act government office of the hedge king of affairs of state or chancellery. south does pass Shi Xie : 〕 of I of Bing of bath of  of  of ㄕ of regretful Jian Zou rides Zi to discuss to fast, get write down room, style of writing of palm bully government office. point to the Southern Qi Dynasty before becoming an emperor bright emperor. is Cui Jishu of boreal history · passed : Road of Yue of  of  of  of shake of Xuan of 8 Mei T wishs  ! Our pay  to drink man of Fu of drunk of M of ǔ disease clear!

