
zhàn shǐ

意思解释:(Battle history)记载战争情况的史书或文章。指战争的历史。 指战争的历史。




The history of account war situation or article. Huang Xing Guangzhou on March 29 revolutionary casuse and effect :  of 8  swell Juan wrings neodymium of cover of Bei of a drum used in the army in ancient China of miserly of  of mulberry making Ping to reject grand of curb  joint of bones! 9  of two of  of harmonious of  of money storehouse firm straw of idle of cut up with a hay cutter of locust of  of Fu of thick foal of Jie of  Dian damask come out through such choosing people who volunteer to fight in another country a day , it is beautiful aid of Yukang of feel no regret really...

