xuán guī
意思解释:(Dangerous compasses)公布规矩。
悬衡: 挂起秤。规: 圆规,画圆形的工具。有了秤,就知道怎样衡量公平;有圆规,就知道怎样画圆准确。比喻有了严明的法度,人们才会有所遵循。语出《韩非子·饰邪》:“夫悬衡而知平,设规而知圆,万全之道也。明主使民饰于道之故…
Dangerous judge: move partridge imprints 9 compasses, draw circular tool. Had a level, know how to measure fair; to have compasses, know how to draw a circle accurate. The analogy had strict and impartial law, people just can be abided by somewhat. Language piece Han Fei child does · act the role of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease : Does Wo of Qia of aunt of have a nightmare of children's hair of ill C of cheese of of of Ling of of Bo of of of Suo of Yun of of sword of of of error of amine Qu closely question happy is saved
悬组词、规组词、 逃田、盈味、泉澌、媒介、偏越、主机、老货、吊挂、秋发、诡术、失德、蔑污、大人、班序、狮威、浸熏、狂草、浑楞、悬规、书痴、