tuì yīng
意思解释:(Retreat baby)语出《老子》:“专气致柔,能婴儿乎?”王弼注:“专,任也。致,极也。言任自然之气,致至柔之和,能若婴儿之无所欲乎?”婴,一本作“孾”。后以“退婴”谓像婴儿一样柔弱无争。含贬义。
Shrink back, conservative. Lu Xun how do we become father now : Jiao of threshold of my award seeks Ω of of approach of neon of magpie of Chang of miscellaneous Mi of Lang of Zai You of clear Ru of Bu of of of the enzymatic that seek clear flinchs shaming steel pulls part of the day to call ⒁ to imprint carries さ of Sou of high and steep to seek than Huang Qiao ! graveyard Lu Xun complete works the 1st, the 124th page) ...
退组词、婴组词、 摸象、雺晦、名隽、笔思、托赏、风略、美业、尺口、顿阻、洋流、扑鱼、窐孔、狞雨、上身、长股、刁赖、借拟、慢怛、退婴、鹰军、