
mó chē

意思解释:(Grind a car)古代一种载有石磨的车。利用车轮对地面的磨擦力,把车前进的运动间接地传到其他机构上,达到磨物的目的。




(1) stone mill. on annals of astronomy of advance book · :  of  of Ze of  of rare  of  of  of ナ of leisurely mood of show off of eight ┲  disrelishs pancreas ァ !  of Bi Hai colour bets Piao  to wring of dark Meng  make a horse build saddle, make an ox push ~ . (2) is used grind a commissariat to crumb. does Nature's engineering open · of essence of content · pure to attack wheat :  of Jie of ┗ of old man of gourd ladle of delay of  of approach of ヒ of approach of ╄ of gloomy of ⒓ of leech of Tiao defeating Piao is simian evil spirit mansion! Stretch tight  of press and smooth

