qiè báo
意思解释:(Carve thin)谓锉薄铜钱取其屑另铸钱。 浇薄;刻薄。
is Liu Tao of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Bully of of ≈ of ticket of doze of deputy Zu ass! of collapse neodymium appropriate carve, quarter also. call blow money to make thin, take its copper bit. Money small fund is small this pair at that time character. Extend the meaning is after acerbity. new the Tang Dynasty is a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of book · the Kingdom of Wei passed : Thin
锲组词、薄组词、 辛螫、都统、甲矟、叉竿、七辅、鸠营、遗大、以降、乞闲、家室、悬飞、祈告、文联、访看、震越、颠陨、静棂、支结、溜轩、锲薄、