xíng huī
意思解释:(Hang Hui)出行人的光辉。《文选·鲍照〈苦热行〉》:“含沙射流影,吹蛊痛行晖。”李善注:“顾野王《舆地志》曰:'江南数郡,有畜蛊者,主人行之以杀人。行食饮中,人不觉也。其家絶灭者,则飞游妄走,中之则毙。'行晖,行旅之光辉也。”吕良注:“江中有物,名曰水弩,于中流含沙射人之影。此言病行客使无光辉。”一说为蛊夜飞时的曳光。
Advocate old man indissoluble drink, pool of the garden that bring an issue swims. From associate of company knowing lotus, place Le Zaiqing is repaired. I recall budding day, yue of not much buddhist actors or actress. Wake alone pair of beautiful scene, the brows on anxious grain. All directions view calls a rite, diction objective is deep and remote. My genu solid is castiron, mi Tuo...
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