fēi bái
意思解释:(A style of calligraphy characterized by hollow strokes)一种特殊的书法,笔画中露出一丝丝的白地,像用枯笔写成的样子。也叫飞白书。 中国画中一种枯笔露白的线条。 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·巧艺》:“顾长康 好写起人形,欲图 殷荆州。 修辞学上辞格之一。白,指“白字”,“飞白”就是故意写白字。是明知其错而有意仿效的一种修辞方法。
One kind of Chinese character chirography, dew of silk of the silk in strokes is white, resembling is to use withered pen to be written into. Last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty, doctor Cai another name for Nanning acts according to the life of clever emperor to be written into majesty of emblazon royal family holy emperor piece hind, he visits clever emperor award grand the door. At that time grand the door is rebuilding, the dew of word silk silk that Cai Yong sees craftsman brushs a broom to be written on wall with whitening is white, have artistic lasting appeal quite...
飞组词、白组词、 愀戚、麻蝇、抵任、喷溢、路照、方徼、撞捽、永望、清郎、村杀、小站、创作、残霞、登望、蜚挽、单悃、对越、仁参、喧头、飞白、