yè qiáng
意思解释:(Line of business is strong)佛教语。谓恶业。
Adverbial time is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, state behavioral behavior has happened. But interpret is already , already already etc. Be like: (1) course of study is entered and do not abandon, every more break. (Hunan of mulberry of village · age ) -- (wrong understanding) had written down a heart in and do not agree to abandon, often can cause error one after another. (2) fine course of study is walked on to take, because grow...
业组词、强组词、 遥署、观梅、故二、八镇、戏倡、石锁、骫丽、悉尼、内媚、荒夷、服贴、贤瞒、帘官、脱膊、蜜人、赤罗、休休、粉骨、贯利、业强、