chī hè
意思解释:(Chi is frightened)《庄子·秋水》:“惠子相梁……庄子往见之,曰:'南方有鸟,其名为鹓鶵,子知之乎?夫鹓鶵,发于南海而飞于北海,非梧桐不止,非练实不食,非醴泉不饮。于是鸱得腐鼠,鹓鶵过之,仰而视之曰:”吓!“今子欲以子之梁国而吓我邪?'”汉桓宽《盐铁论·毁学》:“今公卿以其富贵笑儒者,为之常行,得无若太山鸱吓鹓鶵乎?”后世即以“鸱吓”比喻恐人夺取己物而发出的怒声。
Chi (Ch ī ) : è ofh of Wo ァ O) : becomes mace of of brown of cave of large of order of V ligature anxious of U protects of Jing of window of coat of care of of of Bo of of of sweat of Feng blame acute communicable diseases; Feng still パ of to bang breaks dizzy always of bluff of bridle of Cuo of cook a meal is troubled by Xing to sincere make one's rounds of Song of banter bridge fan crouchs a bovine imprints W of of carry of ⒍ of of cherry of Feng of Ju mellow a sparrow hawk collects mouse of a corrupt, regard it as baby...
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