xǐ xiàng
意思解释:(Wash an elephant)明清时北京习俗,每年六月初伏在护城河内为宫廷所养的象洗澡。
Chang'an the first of the three ten-day periods of the hot season looks wash an elephant, chao Zhang is become along be used to swim admire. Be about to wash did not wash shape how, go up to the river after resembling a house first. Resemble a slave like one room, also breathe out like the elephant like the slave. Lure in order to hay beans shows group of ability, can be caw black for animal growl.
洗组词、象组词、 尊亲、菜食、浮世、呼服、门馆、训育、司搏、进涉、愤厥、强涩、腾腾、茶禁、研屏、局外、大渐、幼狐、步帐、存札、厅房、洗象、